Interested in our grease trap cleaning services? Contact us now.

Grease traps are a plumbing device that intercepts fats, oils, and grease before they can enter the sanitary sewer line. Due to new laws, grease traps and grease interceptors have become a strict requirement on many premises, particularly those in the food and restaurant sector.
Grease traps work by cooling hot and greasy water, making the different layers of waste separate. Since fats, oils, and grease are lighter than water, they float to the surface and become trapped while the water then continues draining to the sewer. Anything solid and heavy, such as food, will settle at the bottom of the tank.
Once you have the proper grease traps installed, you will have to maintain it regularly, which means cleaning it often. This can be essential to avoiding repairs and any disruptions to your business. If you are looking for grease trap cleaning in Cork, here at Cork Drain & Septic Tank Cleaning, we have the experience and professional team to get the job done properly and swiftly.
Grease trap cleaning is extremely important so that we keep any oils, fats, and grease out of the sewer system. On top of that, it is important to maintain and clean your grease trap regularly so that no food waste damages the tank. When food waste is around for too long it can produce sulfuric acid which is a chemical that can cause damage to the tank if not regularly cleaned.
As well as the above, grease trap cleaning in Cork by Cork Drain & Septic Tank Cleaning will make sure that no rotten smells lingering are around. When you ignore cleaning your grease trap, it is no surprise that a horrible odour will arise from it. By maintaining your grease trap, you will also save yourself and others from having an even harder time cleaning it. The longer you wait for your grease trap cleaning, the more difficult it will become to clean as any waste can harden and cling to the tank.
We use our specialised vacuum tankers to pump out grease traps on a scheduled basis, as part of a regular maintenance contract or upon request by the customer. It is important that a grease trap is cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that it remains odorless and in good working order. Cork Drain Cleaning holds a valid waste collection permit to dispose of all fats, oils and greases
Our trucks can fit in all driveways and have extended hoses to reach even the most out of the way tanks.

If you would like to learn more about the full variety of drain cleaning services available from the crew at Cork Drain & Septic Tank Cleaning, please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our members of staff, who will be more than happy to assist you with any queries you may have regarding our services.
Just give us a call on 021 4353897 or alternatively you can send us an email at info@corkdrain.ie. We’d love to talk to you.
Although the frequency of grease trap cleaning depends on how often you produce fats, oils, and grease, on average you should have your grease traps cleaned every one to three months.
With grease trap cleaning, it is best to have it cleaned out when it is a quarter of the way full. This is because that at this point, the trap is no longer effective in doing its job.
The cost of grease trap cleaning all depends on the size of the grease trap and if it is maintained regularly. Call the professionals here at Cork Drain & Septic Tank Cleaning for a quote today.